Using AutoIt3 and the Crimson Editor

Lastupdated:   01/30/2004   

Install AutoIt3 Syntax Highlighting and Context sensitive Help in the Crimson Editor.
(up to date for AutoIt3 ver: 3.0.91)

  1. First get the Crimson editor installed:
  2. Copy these 2 files autoit3.key & autoit3.spc  to "C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\spec"
  3. Copy this file extension.au3  to "C:\Program Files\Crimson Editor\link"
  4. Start the Crimson editor program.
  5. To enable Context sensitive Help do:
  6. 1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page
    2. Select an empty slot and fill with the following arguments.
    - Menu Text: AutoIT Context Help
    - Command: Your-AutoIt-Dir\AutoIt.chm
    - Argument: $(CurrWord)
    - Initial dir: $(FileDir)
    - Hot key: F1
    - Close on exit: Yes
    - Save before execute: No
    Now click F1 on any keyword and it will jump right to its description in the helpfile.

  7. To enable running the script your working on from within Crimson:
  8. 1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page
    2. Select an empty slot and fill with the following arguments.
    - Menu Text: AutoIT Run Script
    - Command: Your-AutoIt-Dir\AutoIt3.exe
    - Argument: $(FileTitle).au3
    - Initial dir: $(FileDir)
    - Hot key: CTRL + 1
    - Close on exit: Yes
    - Save before execute: Yes
    Now click CTRL+1 Will save and Run your script

  9. To enable Compiling the script your working on from within Crimson:

1. Open Preferences dialog box and select User Tools page
2. Select an empty slot and fill with the following arguments.
- Menu Text: AutoIT Compile Script
- Command: Your-AutoIt-Dir\ Aut2Exe\Aut2Exe
- Argument: /in $(FileTitle).au3
- Initial dir: $(FileDir)
- Hot key: CTRL + 2
- Close on exit: Yes
- Save before execute: Yes
Now click CTRL+2 will save and Compile your script.